About Me

- Words2Bless
- The Lord has recently brought into my life some wonderful people intent on supporting healing of the past. I am so inspired! I started this blog so I would have a place where I can write, put out scriptures, and thoughts. It will be for anyone, based on healing, wholeness, victory, freedom in Christ, and the list goes on and on. I will be adding stories and that kind of thing to help and encourage. I would like to add phone contact info on the blog so if anyone needs further areas to look they can find it. If you would like to have your information published here, please contact me; Words2Bless@hotmail.com ~~Leola
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
It's A New Year; Are you Ready?
January, 2012 has arrived. With it comes a lot of hope and great expectations of what the year has in store for us. I know that there will be days of joy, days of worry, days of fun and yes, even , days of pain. But. . . I know that my Lord is in control of the days and with Him on my side I will persevere. How about you? Do you have the faith that is needed to go through the storms, being tossed to and fro and not being able to see over the next wave? If not, I would urge you to seek Him. He is the one who will get you through and at times even carry you over the big waves. Have a blessed Year.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Faith as the Wise Men
Lord, give us faith as the Wise Men who, led by a bright, shining star, followed its light to the Christ child. They journeyed in faith from afar. They knew this Child was the Savior, so onward they trod, traveling long. Turning back never though weary, they found new strength, faith and song.
Give to us this kind of faith, Lord, a passion for seeking our King, that we may know Him more fully. . . Our hearts be the gift that we bring. Keep us on course like the Wise Men, lest worldly temptations distract. O "Star of Wonder" keep shining, lead us for we've need to go back. . .
To seek again at this Christmas the Redeemer sent from above. With adoration we'll worship God's gift of unspeakable love. Lord, give us faith as the Wise Men, so in us a glow others see, a trusting faith in the Savior. . . our lives a reflection of Thee. Beverly J. Anderson
Give to us this kind of faith, Lord, a passion for seeking our King, that we may know Him more fully. . . Our hearts be the gift that we bring. Keep us on course like the Wise Men, lest worldly temptations distract. O "Star of Wonder" keep shining, lead us for we've need to go back. . .
To seek again at this Christmas the Redeemer sent from above. With adoration we'll worship God's gift of unspeakable love. Lord, give us faith as the Wise Men, so in us a glow others see, a trusting faith in the Savior. . . our lives a reflection of Thee. Beverly J. Anderson
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thanks to all the Veterans
Today is Veteran's Day. Such an honor to know so many who have served and are currently serving our country to protect us and keep us safe. Where would our nation be without you?? We can never repay you for your service to this country. Saying "thank you" just doesn't seem adequate, but, that is what we can do. Each and everyone of us can speak up and show gratitude in that manner. So, today, and everyday as you see a soldier; a man or woman who has been broken because of their service to our country; a young boy or girl who has had countless days and even years spent away from their mom or dad because they are in the Armed Forces; when you see one of these STAND UP and thank them for their service.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
God is in the midst
We have just returned from a short camping expedition. What a time we had. It is November, but the weather was gorgeous. A little cool at night and early in the morning, but the rest of the time was wonderfully warm and sunny. Found time to take many walks and just visit the land that God created. The swamps, the reds and yellows and oranges of the beautiful trees changing their colors to get ready for winter. The moss and the Oaks were among the best part of the trip. In California you do not see the Mossy Oaks as they have here in Georgia. The breeze starts the moss swaying. If you look closely you can see all kinds of images in the gray, filmy shapes that are attached to the branches. I saw God's hand in so many places. The giant trees. The flowing water. The bright, blue, clear sky. He created and said "it was good". I would have to agree. Who would know better then God!!! Once I learn to attach photos, I will post some of the beauty of this great land.
I believe that as I observe, pay attention, and seek, then I will see God's hand all around me. He is busy doing a work. He has created. He has set this world in orbit. It hasn't fallen. I remember one song that I used to share with the kids. There is a phrase that is so good ". . . who puts the salt in when it gets to the sea?" Yes, indeed. How does the sweet, fresh water from the mountain spring end up in the ocean? At what point does it become sea water? Well, my God, knows these answers. He is not confused on this point. So, I would say to you today; "Open up your eyes, your ears, your mouth, all of your senses and see what God has done for you." He is surely available and present and eager to be a part of our lives. Surely, He is in the midst. Remember when you are in turmoil, questioning WHY, that He is as close as a prayer away. Be blessed this week.
I believe that as I observe, pay attention, and seek, then I will see God's hand all around me. He is busy doing a work. He has created. He has set this world in orbit. It hasn't fallen. I remember one song that I used to share with the kids. There is a phrase that is so good ". . . who puts the salt in when it gets to the sea?" Yes, indeed. How does the sweet, fresh water from the mountain spring end up in the ocean? At what point does it become sea water? Well, my God, knows these answers. He is not confused on this point. So, I would say to you today; "Open up your eyes, your ears, your mouth, all of your senses and see what God has done for you." He is surely available and present and eager to be a part of our lives. Surely, He is in the midst. Remember when you are in turmoil, questioning WHY, that He is as close as a prayer away. Be blessed this week.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Has this been a good day for you?
This is a Sunday. The last one in October. Has it been a good day for you? Did you go to worship somewhere with those you love and who love God? Did you really worship? Or, did you just exist as many of us seem to do at times. We get in this "rut" as Pastor put it today. We like the familiar. We like the easy road. But with a few more "digs" that rut becomes a grave. Is that where you want to be in service for our Lord? I surely do not want to be there. I want to be one that He can count on to work for Him. To share His love and grace and mercy with those who are desperately looking for something or someone to fill that empty hole in their spirit and lives.
God has proven Himself over and over again to be faithful. What He has said, He will do. His promises are new every morning. He desires for us to grow in our relationship to Him and to others. To stand on His Word and proclaim it loud and clear.
I would ask that you check out your spirit. How are you feeling towards those that are the unlovely? The "outcasts" as the world would call them. Are you reaching out in love to help meet their need? Or are you shrinking from contact with those that are not just like you. God wants us out of our pews and out of our comfort and out into the world. Set apart, yet, part of the world. So. . . .go and shine your light for others to see. May you have a blessed week as we enter into November.
God has proven Himself over and over again to be faithful. What He has said, He will do. His promises are new every morning. He desires for us to grow in our relationship to Him and to others. To stand on His Word and proclaim it loud and clear.
I would ask that you check out your spirit. How are you feeling towards those that are the unlovely? The "outcasts" as the world would call them. Are you reaching out in love to help meet their need? Or are you shrinking from contact with those that are not just like you. God wants us out of our pews and out of our comfort and out into the world. Set apart, yet, part of the world. So. . . .go and shine your light for others to see. May you have a blessed week as we enter into November.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Psalm 63: 1-7 "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee; my soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longs for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. (vs. 1)
A popular soft drink company once claimed that its product "deeply satisfies." That may be true as far as beverages are concerned; but God, and God alone, satisfies our spiritual thirst.
David recognized this truth during two turbulent periods in his life; once when he hid in the Judean wilderness after fleeing from Saul and later when he was forced to flee Jerusalem after Absalom's revolt. David knew the lack of water and the difficult terrain made the wilderness a place of trial and testing.
But instead of thirsting for water, David longed for God. He used physical imagery to describe his desire to see God's power and glory, just as he had seen it in the sanctuary. God's loving-kindness would satisfy his soul. As a result, David could lift up his hands and rejoice in praise. Even in the wilderness, David could find comfort and satisfaction in the shadow of His wings.
Both early in the morning and late at night, David meditated on the Lord. God alone satisfies our spiritual thirst. At all times God is faithful. (excerpt from Open Windows).
So what about you? Are you thirsty for God? Will you go through trial and testing and still "long for God?" I pray that is true of all of you who take the time to read this blog. May He be your All in All. May He be the one to satisfy your soul. May He be the one to guide, protect, and encourage you along your spiritual path.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Many ways of Worship; Have you found a way to express how much you love your Lord?
I have been learning a new way to worship. Several years ago I went on a Ladies Retreat and observed an awesome woman doing sign language to the music. I was fascinated as we (my husband and I ) had done interpretive dance in the past and it tugged at my hearts strings to go back and visit that experience. I remembered how closer to God I felt while doing this type of worship. In order to "sign" a song, I had to first learn the words to the song. Then I needed to look up the word in ASL so that I would be interpreting it correctly. As I struggled to learn the song and add this next dimension I found that great joy was to be had. I learned a new way to express each word as I put the knowledge into the music. Sometimes I could not find the word in the ASL Dictionary and so I would go to a thesaurus to find a word that had the same meaning as the one I was attempting to sign. Sometimes as in "sovereign" there would not be a sign. But it means "authority, power, one and only one". This would cause me to be able to sign a word with the same meaning. As I continued on with each verse, each chorus, I found myself enjoying the song more and more as I learned a deeper level of understanding of the writers words.
I would encourage you, who want a deeper worship experience, to find an avenue, a way, to liberate you; to cause you to "dig" into the words of a song, the words of a verse of Scripture and really find out the meaning for your daily walk. As you seek His way and His will in your life may you be drawn ever closer to His heart. I believe that music is very much an expression of the heart of God.
May you begin a new expression, even today, of your love for your Savior.
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