As the day progressed the sky began to change. Dark, thunderous, menacing clouds began to hover over our ship. Lightening began to lighten the sky with its brilliance. The sound of thunder was close, too close to enjoy. In our room we noticed the day of light escaping and the beginning of evening approaching. The rains came. The rains continued to come. Soon a storm was all we could see or hear. We were enveloped in the raging water, rising and rising around us. Soon the water was over the boat. We were safe inside. But the water was around us and over us. All we could see through the windows was water.
I felt like Noah in his ark only we could not open the windows and peer out. As the water continued to downpour, I noticed a little bit of seepage coming from around the top of the tall, tall, windows. Concerned that it was about to shatter the pane, I prayed. Don’t know why I waited all day before I turned to prayer. “Lord”, I prayed simply, “Please, stop this rain and protect us.” The simple prayer of the faithful. That is all He asks. Pray in faith and believe.
Instantly, I saw the water recede. The windows became clear. The ship thudded onto solid ground. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. “WOW”, I thought. What an answer to prayer. As I looked out the window over the valley the grass was green. Birds where chirping in the nearby trees. Butterflies with their brilliant colors were swarming back and forth within the buds of the apple orchards enjoying their nectar. In the distance I could see cattle gently moving in the warm air and enjoying their meal. Order had been restored. Life was going on. God was faithful.
I awoke with a real sense of God’s presence. He once again was telling me, showing me, that He is listening to our prayers. He wants to hear from us not just in the battle times, but also in the good times. To be thankful to Him and to bless Him daily. This was a vivid description of a lesson He was showing to me.
What is He trying to teach you today? A lesson on prayer? A lesson on gratitude? Maybe, He just wants you to know that He is nearby. As close as a prayer mumbled from your heart. He has told us “that He will never leave or forsake us.” So, lift up your need today.
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