Dear God,
please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots,
may nots, and
might nots that find
a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all, dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind
my heart and my life all of the am nots
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought
that I am not good enough.
About Me

- Words2Bless
- The Lord has recently brought into my life some wonderful people intent on supporting healing of the past. I am so inspired! I started this blog so I would have a place where I can write, put out scriptures, and thoughts. It will be for anyone, based on healing, wholeness, victory, freedom in Christ, and the list goes on and on. I will be adding stories and that kind of thing to help and encourage. I would like to add phone contact info on the blog so if anyone needs further areas to look they can find it. If you would like to have your information published here, please contact me; ~~Leola
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