“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet, who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14
I love the story of Esther. A young orphan girl who had hidden a family secret until the day arrived that she revealed her true identity and became a national heroine. WOW! What a story for us today. I would like to tell you this story in probably a different way then you have ever heard it told. Maybe it will reveal to you something new about yourself and your purpose in God’s Kingdom.
Esther was one of the young ladies brought before the King as he was looking to replace his wife. The King sent out his messengers into the 127 provinces of Persia to find the most beautiful, young women of the land and bring into his palace. One of those drafted into the national search for a queen was a young Jewish woman named Hadassah. Since the death of her parents she had been living with her uncle, Mordecai. At his insistence Hadassah has gone by a Persian name, Esther, so as not to call attention to her true heritage. Esther’s beauty destines her for the national spotlight. The eyes of the empire turn to her when she emerges from obscurity to wear the crown of the Queen of Persia.
The kingdom was holding a beauty pageant. Some might say it is similar to today’s pageants that are held all over the land. Only, this time, the participants had one year to make themselves ready for viewing. . “ They spent 6 months soaking in oil of myrrh, and another six months with perfumes and preparation for beautifying women.” Esther 2:12 Once this preparation was completed they were called in one at a time before the King. “And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her.” Esther 2:15 “The King loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen.” Esther 2:17
As the story unfolds a plot is discovered. Esther is told of the plot and asked to go before the king with the matter. Now, Esther knows that if she goes before the King and he does not reach out his scepter to receive her she will surely die. Esther is in a pickle. If she does not speak out and tell the King of this evil plot, then all of her people will die.
But Esther comes through. She senses her destiny and the risk that is before her. She agrees to use her influence to come to the aid of her people and says “if I perish, I perish.” Esther asks the King and his right hand man to come to a banquet she is to prepare for them. (In the meantime Esther has been on her knees before her God). She needed counsel and guidance from above. This job was too big for her to accomplish on her own.
As the banquet begins Esther reveals to the king the evil plot against the Jews. THIS is the time for her to reveal who she truly was. The king did not know her nationality neither did Haman who started this awful plot to destroy all the Jewish nations. The King, of course, wanted to know who it was that devised this plot to begin with. As the story goes on, Haman is revealed as the culprit. He and all of his sons die. Esther is given the Kings ring to do as she pleases (this is a symbol of the Kings power). She gives the ring to Mordecai who becomes ruler over all of Hamans household. The Jewish nation was allowed to defend themselves against their enemies and won triumphantly.
Such a short version of the 10 chapters in this book of Esther. But tremendous lessons to be learned. The name “God” was never spoken in this book but you see Him behind the scenes guiding the affairs of His chosen people. He took two people, Esther and Mordecai, at a very low spot in their spiritual life, and through spiritual growth allowed them to function as saviors of their people. This reveals to me that God is always at work in our lives. There are no coincidences as we journey through this life, but God uses circumstances to fulfill His purpose within us. God can even take our sin and our mistakes and use them for His glory.
Even though God is not mentioned in these pages of Esther yet in the unfolding drama of the Bible, this chapter of History shows that God doesn’t have to be mentioned to be present. This story is a timeless tribute to the God who doesn’t have to be announced or understood to be present. He is the God of the sleepless nights and the surprise ending. He is the God who works for us in the darkness, confusion, and fears of our lives. What is inspiring about this story is that it is not all about Esther. It is a story about a God who, while being our provider and protector, can use us to bring help to others. Who can say when we, like Esther, may find ourselves looking into the eyes of destiny as we contemplate the needs of a hurting child, a lonely neighbor, a frightened co-worker, or a disillusioned spouse? Who can say that heaven has not brought us to this place – for such a time as this?
Excerpts taken from the Bible and several other commentaries.
I pray that you have enjoyed this version of “Esther” who was truly created for her time in history.
About Me

- Words2Bless
- The Lord has recently brought into my life some wonderful people intent on supporting healing of the past. I am so inspired! I started this blog so I would have a place where I can write, put out scriptures, and thoughts. It will be for anyone, based on healing, wholeness, victory, freedom in Christ, and the list goes on and on. I will be adding stories and that kind of thing to help and encourage. I would like to add phone contact info on the blog so if anyone needs further areas to look they can find it. If you would like to have your information published here, please contact me; Words2Bless@hotmail.com ~~Leola
Very nice!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Cindy. Thanks
ReplyDeleteEsther is my most favorite character in the Bible. I never thought about the word God not being spoken there. There are many times in my life when His name was not spoken yet I always knew He was there. What a God we serve, Thanks and good job.
ReplyDeleteSo many lessons to be learned from the Book of Esther. I have always enjoyed this book but even more now that we have a little understanding of our Hebrewic roots.