I heard that statement the other day. Ever have a bad day? A day where nothing seems to go right? You get up in the morning. . . the coffee maker isn’t working and so you don’t get your morning brew before you head out the door to begin your day. You get in the car and rip your jacket on the door handle. As you travel along the road to the interstate you hit every red light. Of course, you were late starting out that morning to begin with! Now you are really going to be late.
You finally make it to your job and find out that your Head Nurse is out sick today and no one was able to replace her. So, you become the Head Nurse. Your day goes on and on and on and on. Never seeming to end. When 3:00 finally rolls around you are so anxious to get out of there. You give your report to the next shift and go to your office and begin going through the pile of work that had accumulated all day while you were working as Head Nurse. Could the day get any worse?
You drive home after stopping to fill up the gas tank. You walk in the door and there are the breakfast dishes staring at you – still on the kitchen table. Eggs crusted on the plates. The garbage is overflowing. The kids arrive home from the school bus and you find out from your 2nd grader that he is to take 24 cupcakes to school TOMORROW. As you check your pantry you realize that you do not have all the ingredients to make the treat. Heard enough?
I know many people go through life with the above scenario or a similar one. You sometimes feel that you are just unlucky or that things just don’t go right for you – EVER. You have tried and tried to plan better! You make lists and hope to accomplish even one on that list so you can mark it off completed. But things (your life) never seem to get better. No matter how hard you try. It goes from worse to worst without even a blink. Or so it seems to you as you are in the midst of the struggle.
But there is someone who has been there all along. God knows!!!! He has been there through the work day. He has been there through the traffic and the messy house. He is with you now wanting to encourage you to look to Him. Scripture says,
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed, perplexed but not in despair,
sometimes persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed”
11 Corinthians 4:8-9
You see, as a Child of God, you are going to have rough times. You are going to have times where it seems like the enemy is getting the best of you. But rest assured, you have the promises of God that say, “you will not be defeated”. Jesus has already won the battle for you. So take heart. Pick up your armor. Strengthen yourself in His mighty Word and press on. Don’t give up in the midst of the struggle and difficulties but look to God. Allow Him to direct your steps and you will be the overcomer He has created you to be.
About Me

- Words2Bless
- The Lord has recently brought into my life some wonderful people intent on supporting healing of the past. I am so inspired! I started this blog so I would have a place where I can write, put out scriptures, and thoughts. It will be for anyone, based on healing, wholeness, victory, freedom in Christ, and the list goes on and on. I will be adding stories and that kind of thing to help and encourage. I would like to add phone contact info on the blog so if anyone needs further areas to look they can find it. If you would like to have your information published here, please contact me; Words2Bless@hotmail.com ~~Leola
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Last Hug
The wedding was about to begin. The groom was nervous. The bride was radiant. The guests were in their places. I was trying to calm the anxiety-stricken groomsmen. Then the father of the bride caught my attention. Serene. Pensive. Almost tearful. "I wonder when the last time was that I picked her up and held her," he said. "I mean the very last time. I don't remember. Was she six, seven or maybe nine? I don't remember. I only know that if I had realized that is was the last time to hold my little girl, I would have held her longer, tighter and with more feeling." "THE LAST TIME!" Those are serious words. The last football game for the quarterback. The last work day for the retiree. The last kiss for the widow. The last time. What if you were to invest your energy into every day as if it were your last day? How would it be different from the routine? Think of the automatic change this would make in most of our relationships with parents, children, spouse and friends. Are there feelings in your heart that are destined to stay locked inside? The body in the coffin does not hear the words of the loved one standing beside it. The writer of Hebrews in the Bible understood this principle: "Today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your heart." Hebrews 3:7-8 ". . . exhort (encourage, warn) each other every day, as long as it is called today." Hebrews 3:13 Today there may be opportunities which will never come again.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
From the Cocoon to the Butterfly

Do you sometimes feel that you are still in the cocoon but want to burst forth into the butterfly? I see a butterfly as it lights on the butterfly bush outside my front window. It is so graceful. So vibrant. All the colors of the rainbow, and then some. It flies from blossom to blossom taking and giving what is needed to further that plant. Yet, shortly before, it was in a simple cocoon, waiting to be transformed.
We are much like that butterfly. We flitter around from place to place seeking what we can only find from our Heavenly Father. We try to get what we need from the world. From places that are meant to harm us. We are seeking nourishment and comfort from places that were not meant for us. Yet, the cocoon soon evolves into that gorgeous creation that God intended it to be. We, likewise, have to go through the stages of development to reach that ultimate place He has for us in His kingdom. We have trials along the way. But, we overcome. We battle hardships. We wage war sometimes against ourselves. Yet, we are still being molded and shaped by God’s hand. He is still directing our steps and making straight our path. As, one of His creation, we are blessed beyond measure. He keeps His eye on us. When we begin to stray, he gently calls us back to himself. He never slumbers or daydreams. He is always focused on our relationship with Him and with others.
Scripture tells us, “Being confident of this very thing; that He who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”. Philippians 1:6 Rest assured that He is working in your transformation. You started on this path with him and he will continue to work until the end; the day we are resurrected to His heavenly home. So give yourself a break! Don’t give up as you go down this path. Don’t have regrets about your choices. Confess, and move on. Maybe you made some bad decisions. Maybe you weren’t all that you should have been. The past is gone and forgotten. The Bible says that it is thrown into the sea. It is as far as the east is from the west. So, don’t you hang on to the past!
God wants to complete that work. To be the beautiful, flowing butterfly for His kingdom. Get up and get moving. Today he wants to use you to minister in someone’s life. Be there. Be available. Be dependable and allow Him to flow through you. As you do, you will become sweet nectar in the lives of someone who is wounded and hurting and feeling unlovely. Let, you, be their answer today.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Flower in the Desert; Evidence of God's Grace

Have you ever been in a desert place? A place of heat, and dryness, and lack of energy and motivation? A place where you could not find shelter, shade, water or comfort? I have been there. Seems many times over. Times when I have felt like there is no love or comfort to be found. Times when I have felt alone and forgotten by God. Because it is God that brings the comfort, the shelter, the love and companionship. I remember camping in the Red Rock area outside of Bakersfield. It can be a beautiful place when the air cools, when the shade comes, and when I am feeling the presence of God. My family was camping one week on this desert. I was being pulled, tugged as it was, to go for a walk, alone, out in the desert. I walked a ways and was crying out to God, “Lord, why do I feel so empty and alone?” I often felt like that when I had been too busy to call on Him. Too busy to spend time in His Word. Too busy to seek His face. As I walked alone in the barren, hot desert land, I came upon a cactus. As I approached the cactus I saw the most beautiful flower ever. It was fragrant, and vibrant in color and stood proudly amongst the green of the cactus. It was an immediate reminder of how faithful our God is to His people. He provided a gorgeous to the eye and to the nose, reminder of how he delights in answering prayers. He delights in the things that delight us. He knows how much I love flowers and gardens and His nature. I walked back to my campsite in awe of how amazing a God I serve. One who cares enough about ME, in the midst of the desert, to provide that comfort in the beauty of a flower.
“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and will dwell in your midst,” says the Lord. Zechariah 2:10
He did indeed come and dwell with me, that day, in that desert place. Let Him do the same for you. He is available. He is able. He is urging You to allow Him to be your peace.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Why have a blog?
I would like to begin by saying that I love to write. As God is working and changing and healing me, he is giving me a "new song" and a "new story" that needs to be shared. My hearts desire is that you will be encouraged, uplifted, maybe even challenged as you go along on this journey with me. I will tell stories, give scriptures and prayers that will aid us along the way. So.. . .follow along with me and let us see where this will all lead.
I began this walk by writing some short stories for another blog. She posted a few. You can check out her blog elegantdoves.blogspot.com/ She would be thrilled for you to read along as she shares and uplifts our Lord. If anything that is said touches you; please, leave a comment. If there is a particular issue that you would like addressed; I would be happy to give you the Biblical verses for you to check it out for yourself. If you need prayer; post your need and you will receive pray.
Let us make this time one of growth and refreshing. That is my desire.
I began this walk by writing some short stories for another blog. She posted a few. You can check out her blog elegantdoves.blogspot.com/ She would be thrilled for you to read along as she shares and uplifts our Lord. If anything that is said touches you; please, leave a comment. If there is a particular issue that you would like addressed; I would be happy to give you the Biblical verses for you to check it out for yourself. If you need prayer; post your need and you will receive pray.
Let us make this time one of growth and refreshing. That is my desire.
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